Other food blogs: The Foppish Baker
As much as I enjoy reading other food blogs, I don't often review them in depth. Actually, I've only reviewed 2 so far, at a rate of one per year! My aim really isn't be to be comprehensive, so I like to sort of draw your attention to blogs that aren't so well known but are so well written, or so beautiful, that they deserve to get a bigger readership. (Of course now delicious.days for instance has become quite famous, and deservedly so.)
Anyway, through some random Sunday evening browsing, I came across a fairly new blog (started in November 255) called The Foppish Baker. It has gorgeous photos of some gorgeous bread, for one thing. And the author's experiences making some pretty difficult breads, such as sourdough and crumpets, are quite intriguing. I've been on a bread-baking hiatus since last summer, when I felt totally defeated by the fabulousness of the bread from a certain bakery we encountered in Provence, but this blog made me think that I should get back on the floury boards again.
Go and check out The Foppish Baker if you are interested in serious home baking!
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