Another Reminder About Food Destinations, and Summer Travel Plans
The picture above is of the World's Best Baguette (I swear, it is the best baguette I have ever had) perched on top of a map on top of the dashboard of our rental car last summer.
I've been sooooooo busy lately that my posts here recently have just been about Top Chef and Food Destinations updates - you can see maybe why I have extended the deadline! So here is another reminder: the deadline is now next Wednesday, the 17th, not today.
Here is the original post in case you missed it:Food Destinations.
While we're on the subject of food and travel, what are your summer vacation travel plans? For me, it looks like it will be France-centric again; I'll be going for a few days with my mother to the Bourgogne (Burgundy) area at the end of the month, and I'll be travelling around Switzerland off and on as her tour-guide too. Then, then back to Provence (yay!) for a couple of weeks in June, so I can re-visit the World's Best Baguette. (Ok, and for other reasons too...) I am going to try to better chronicle my travels this year - last year, when we were in northern Provence, I went without a computer to really try to relax. It worked well in that sense, but I rather regret not having taken immediate notes of my experiences. I took tons of photos of course, but the context of some of them have faded from memory. But this year I'll be writing about it better for sure.
Incidentally, in case you think that 'a couple of weeks in Provence' sounds awfully expensive, it certainly isn't at all. Any place in Europe, or any part of the world for that matter, that has vacation homes for short-term rental so that you can do most of your own cooking can be a terrific destination on a budget for any serious foodie-traveler. I will write this up shortly because it's now my favorite kind of travel.
Anyway, thanks for your patience regarding Food Destinations, especially those organized people who have already sent in their entries!
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10 May, 2006 - 14:51
Another Reminder About Food Destinations, and Summer Travel Plan
First of all, I'm getting dumped on by life too, and haven't had a chance to work on my entries the way I'd like. Hopefully, I'll have it finished by the extended deadline!
Secondly- whoah, what a summer! I look forward to hearing about it, and seeing the story of the perfect baguette.