The first 100 days

Happy New Year!

As I mentioned in my last post of 2006, one of my main goals in 2007 is to lose some weight and to get into better shape. I've been reading a bunch of books on the subject and reading a lot of websites, and nothing really hit me until I encountered a book called 100 Days of Weight Loss: The Secret to Being Successful On Any Diet Plan, by Linda Spangle. It's essentially a 100 day plan to help you stick to a plan, which one you choose. I've been successful at losing weight in the past, so I know I can do it, but sticking to a plan is the difficult part. So I plan to follow the 100 Days schedule for the first 100 days of the year, to see how effective it is.

I'll be tracking my daily progress on my Vox blog. I won't be doing it here since it could get pretty boring to read for other people, but I'll be reporting anything significant along the way. (Vox also allows me to make certain posts private or to be read only by friends or family, and that could be handy sometimes.)

I've also created a page in my aStore for tracking weightloss related books I've found interesting. If you have any interesting or helpful books, please let me know by contacting me or leaving a comment here.

Filed under:  books and media lighter weightloss

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Good luck with the program, I look forward to reading about your progress!

On a random note, I like the name of your Vox blog. Our son has a video with that song on it so it's been permanently etched into our brains.