Encore Provence
Speaking of travel...we've paid in our house-rental deposits now, so once again we are going to be spending the better part of a month of our summer in Provence. We've been there at least once a year for the last few years, and no matter where else we go I just have to go there or I don't feel my year has been complete. Last year we even went twice, for a total of six weeks. (Thank goodness for broadband or our clients would just fire our asses. :) ) I'm not sure we can manage that again this year but at least I will have my Provence fix.
To see my way of experiencing Provence, start with A Food Lover's Way of Exploring Provence. This year I plan to do a bit more around the coastal area to the east of Marseilles - I fell in love with the small resort town of Cassis in November, and want to see it in its summer glory. Otherwise it's going to be markets, vineyards, and as many visits as we can squeeze in to my favorite bakery in the world. Ah, heaven.
Are you making your summer travel plans already? Where are you going? Do you let your tastebuds and stomach guide where you go as much as I do?
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