Swiss food shopping news: OEM Dolfin chocolate spotted at Coop
(This post is mainly for my fellow Swiss-residents...though if you plan to come here soon, you may want to file it away.)
Both Coop and Migros, the two dominant supermarket chains here in Switzerland, have been trying to push pricey "gourmet" lines of food in the last couple of years. I've sampled them selectively - some things are worth the price, like the hearty, rough-surface spaghetti from the Migros Sélection line that I use for spaghetti Bolognese. So far, nothing from Coop's Fine Food line has grabbed me, but I think that's changed now...because I spotted a chocolate which I'm positive is an OEM version of one of my favorite exotic-flavor chocolate bars, Dolfin Masala chocolate.
It has the same plastic-and-paper bag-shaped packaging that is sealed with a sticker. It says it's made in Belgium. Most of all, it tastes just the same! They had Earl Grey Tea and Mint flavors too, which I haven't tried yet but sound quite Dolfin-like.
So if you are in Switzerland and haven't been able to get to Globus easily to grab a Dolfin, try your local Coop! (Note that Coop doesn't have their Fine Food line in all their stores. Try a major one. We got this at the Bahnhofbrücke store in Zürich.)
(Though part of me rather wonders why they went to a Belgian chocolatier for their 'gourmet' chocolate bars, with so many wonderful artisanal chocolatiers here in Switzerland...)
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11 November, 2007 - 14:03
It is interesting to see the ways products go. I am aware of this chocolate, and an additional evidence for the origin is the size and weight of the bar.
7 April, 2012 - 11:44
Re: Swiss food shopping news: OEM Dolfin chocolate spotted ...
These looks really good and I think that I would certainly love to see how them taste.. :D