Space-age indoor gardening kit

In my quest for hydroponics growing options for growing potentially salty tomatoes, I stumbled upon this thing that looks like it belongs on the Jetsons: an Aerogrow Aerogarden Kit. Instead of hydroponics, it uses an aeroponic system, where the roots dangle in moist air. It looks great for growing fresh herb plants through the winter months and things like that...and the web site says it only uses the equivalent electricity of a 60 watt light bulb. I just love that futuristic-retro design too! If anyone has this, I'd love to hear about your experiences with it.

Filed under:  equipment gardening

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I have two friends who each have one. For one, it's going along quite nicely - her plants seem to be growing well (I think she has the Herb set?), though they are not ready for harvest. For the other, he's basically provided an open-air snack bar for his, not so well. The cat likes it though...:)

I can see this being a very nice cat perch! :)