japan times

Onigirazu (rice sandwiches)

A new Japanese Kitchen article in The Japan Times, about the influence of social media on Japanese food in the 2010s.

Filed under:  japan times social media writing elsewhere onigiri onigirazu food history

About Chinese-Japanese cuisine or chuuka, a not-quite Chinese but very popular in Japan egg dish, and more.

Filed under:  japan times chuuka eggs dragon ball
Ginger pork and pickled vegetables

As it turns out, my latest Japan Times article and my very first one are both about the same thing - natsubate, or summer fatigue.

Filed under:  japan times summer


Did you know that mirin used to a a high class, expensive beverage rather than a cooking ingredient?

Filed under:  japanese ingredients washoku writing elsewhere japan times


A new article in the Japan Times about bamboo shoots, a quintessential springtime vegetable.

Filed under:  japanese spring ingredients writing elsewhere japan times


Sticky slimy smelly goodness - and it's good for you too.

Filed under:  natto writing elsewhere japan times personal
Yuzu-cha (yuzu tea)

Catching up on various things, plus a not-really-a-recipe for yuzu tea or yuzu-cha.

Filed under:  japanese winter washoku writing elsewhere japan times citrus


About a trend in Japan towards growing delicious artisanal rice - article in The Japan Times.

Filed under:  japanese ingredients rice japan writing elsewhere japan times


This month's Japanese Kitchen column in the Japan Times is about "kanbutsu", traditional dried food products.

Filed under:  japanese ingredients writing elsewhere japan times


Thick slices of nutritionally empty white bread for the win!

Filed under:  bread japan writing elsewhere japan times
