Sexy Wavy Japanese Sesame Cucumbers
This is a really quick and simple cucumber recipe. Serve it as a side dish with any Japanese or other East Asian meal, or even as a salad. See the instructions for how to achieve the twisty, wavy look, even with large cucumbers.
A recipe that's almost too easy to write about.
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breakfast dessert low-carb diabetes
A simple side dish or salad to serve as part of a Japanese meal, or on its own. Plus, take a look at a couple of real Japanese home meals!
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japanese lighter fish japan seafood low-carb
Konnyaku is a wonderful food for anyone on any kind of diet - provided, of course, that you like it. I do like it - it has a very unique chewy-bouncy texture. I have described konnyaku and its noodle-shaped cousin, sharataki, before, but briefly, konnyaku is a grey to white colored, gelatinous mass which basically consists of water and fiber. It has almost no calories. Right out of the package, konnyaku and shirataki have an odd smell, but if you treat it properly (directions given below) you can get rid of that and just have the flavorless yet curiously interesting mass of goo that is going to fill up your belly in a very useful way.
This is something very easy to make in a jiffy. It's basically taking a classic Italian spaghetti recipe and applying it to konnyaku. You could make this with shirataki too, in which case it will actually look like noodles, but I rather prefer the chewier texture of konnyaku. The only thing to watch for if you are on a diet is the amount of olive oil and optional cheese you use.
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japanese lighter weightloss vegetarian vegan fusion low-carb
Minimalist tomato sauce, made from a single variety of heirloom tomatoes.
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preserves and pickles vegetables summer low-carb
A low-carb, low-key tofu dish that serves as a background element to a meal, serving the role that rice usually plays.
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japanese vegetarian vegan low-carb diabetes
Since I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes, I've been doing a lot of research into what is recommended for diabetics in Japan to eat. There are several issues to keep in mind when eating or making Japanese style dishes, so I thought I'd share these here. Whether you're planning to travel to Japan or are just a fan of Japanese cooking and restaurants, I hope you'll find this useful.
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japanese japan health and weight loss low-carb diabetes
Ahh, tomatoes. What temperature is right for them?
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japanese vegetarian provence summer france vegan salad low-carb
A low-carb, vegan lunch experiment.
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vegetarian tofu vegan low-carb diabetes
From the archives. For some reason I've been getting several email questions about konnyaku recently, so here is my definitive (I hope) guide to preparing konnyaku and konnyaku noodles, or shirataki. Originally published in January 2007.
The quintessential Japanese foods that (may) help you lose weight, are konnyaku and shirataki. Both are made from the same substance, the corm of the konnyaku or konjac plant. Shirataki is also known as konnyaku noodles, to further confuse things, but I prefer the original name which means "white waterfall". It's basically konnyaku shaped like long thin noodles.
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japanese lighter weightloss diet ingredients low-carb